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Trees Stay with Andrea (2022)
A Film by Yash Zhang
Cast - Julia Vasedkova | Dave Mason
9-minute | 4K | Stereo | US

"Trees" features a story between a girl and a tree. By using experimental visual and audio elements, this film links a personal story of loss into a bigger question of relations between human and non-human and aims to raise awareness of prevailing anthropocentric ideology and imagine a way of of the maze of dualism.

International Short Film Festival Canton, 2023(upcoming), Guangzhou,China
Indie Memphis Film Festival Hometowner Short Film Exhibition, 2022, Memphis, TN,
Rhodes College Annual Synposium, 2022, Memphis, TN, US

Directed by
Yash Zhang
Produced by
Mars McKay
Cinematography by
Mitchell Carter

Editor Yash Zhang
On Set Sound Mixer Aki Aitos |Mars McKay |Marcus Tate
Script Supervisor Sawyer Bay
Production Assistant Judaea Discoll |Austin Herndon
BTS Photogtapher John Sklba
Posy Sound Mixer Marcus Tate
Colorist Mitchell Carter
Music Rory Wilson
Faculty Sponsor Joy Fairfield